Ahold today announced it has successfully completed the sale of its Spanish retail activities to the Permira Funds. Ahold and Permira announced the transaction on October 3, 2004. The closing was subj ...
KarstadtQuelle, the ailing German retailer, will be forced to make provisions of about €100m ($132m) for anticipated losses from the rental of outsourced real estate assets. KarstadtQuelle sold the ...
Rodamco Asia N.V. has announced that it has sold all the shares in Rodamco Indonesia B.V. which owns a retail property in Jakarta.The transaction was made with a Singapore company, DS Global Holdings ...
RICS Netherlands has chosen 8 new members after its final assessment. They will become Professional Member of the RICS and therefore may put the title MRICS after their name. RICS Netherlands is the D ...
Aberdeen Property Investors is to acquire Catella’s property management companies in Belgium and the Netherlands. The acquisition is part of Aberdeen’s strategy of expanding in the European prope ...
Frank Lamby (47) has been nominated as a member of the managing board of Hypo Real Estate Bank AG effective 1 January 2005. It is planned that Frank Lamby will take over the position of managing board ...
LAMDA Development recorded an increase of 43% in the company’s consolidated turnover for the nine-month period between January to September 2004, totalling € 67,492,000 compared to € 47,234,000 ...
A total of 228,500 new Citycon shares with a nominal value of € 1.35 per share were subscribed in November, exercising the A/B/C stock options based on the company´s stock option plan 1999 ...