Metrovacesa SA is finalising the sale of two office blocks in Barcelona to investment vehicle Emesa for € 28 million, Expansion reported, citing unnamed sector sources.The sale is expected to be fin ...
The Amsterdam Airport Area covenant, concluded by seven public and private partners ten years ago, was extended this week.This successful regional cooperation in international marketing, promotion and ...
Société Foncière Lyonnaise (SFL) has responded to the wishes of Inmobiliaria Colonial, its majority shareholder since July 2004, by opening up its capital to a new shareholder, Prédica. By acquiri ...
Earlier this week, the Dutch magazine Building Business presented the results of its Reputatie (Reputation) inquiry. In the category ‘developers’ TCN had the best overall score and has therewith t ...
In its meeting on 25 November 2004, the supervisory board appointed Thomas Neiße (56) chairman of the management board from 1 December 2004. As Head of Research, Neiße will be responsible for the se ...
Net asset value per share increased 8.6% to 1049 pence* (March 2004: 966 pence*), 20.7% higher than at September 2003. Net assets up £450 million to £5,485 million* (March 2004: £5,035 million). Sh ...
The city of Rome has chosen The Mills Corp. as lead developer to convert the ancient Mercati Generali site into a contemporary retail, entertainment and cultural center. The project will retain the an ...
Swiss Life has bought two buildings situated in the QCA-area of Paris for an amount of €132.5 million.The acquisition consists of a building of 18,000 m² with 91 parking spaces on the rue La Boéti ...