NCC Construction AS has entered into an agreement with Briksdalen Eiendom regarding the construction of new office and commercial premises at Slependen in the Municipality of Asker. The project is val ...
Every year, ICSC Europe presents awards to the best new and refurbished or extended retail developments in Europe. Acknowledged to be the most prestigious awards within the Industry, the 2005 Awards w ...
Eurinpro, developer and investor in logistic real estate, has opened a new subsidiary in Warsaw this month. With the new office in Warsaw, Eurinpro responds to the expansion of its clients to Central ...
Pillar Property PLC is expected to announce it has signed an agreement with Morley Fund Management under which Morley´s clients, the Norwich Union Life Funds, will invest 100 mln eur of equi ...
According to the Financial Times, the board of Canary Wharf is considering several offers for some of the buildings on its London docklands estate.Although the approaches are at a preliminary stage, t ...
Join-developed by Sonae Imobiliária and ING Real Estate Development, Bilbao’s first shopping and leisure centre, the Zubiarte, opened to the public on Wednesday, November 26th.With an offer of 76 s ...
Société Foncière Lyonnaise (SFL) has responded to the wishes of Inmobiliaria Colonial, its majority shareholder since July 2004, by opening up its capital to a new shareholder, Prédica. By acquiri ...
In its meeting on 25 November 2004, the supervisory board appointed Thomas Neiße (56) chairman of the management board from 1 December 2004. As Head of Research, Neiße will be responsible for the se ...