Real Estate Market Dynamics Ltd (REMD) today announced the results from the REMD Investment Survey EMEA 2011. The survey, completed by CEOs, CFOs, Fund Managers, Heads of Real Estate and other senior investment-related positions in the EMEA region, reveals high levels of optimism towards the performance of Commercial Real Estate in 2011.
93% of the survey respondents expect to conduct transactions in 2011 with 70% of the sample declaring that they intend to be net buyers by the end of the year. 75% of respondents rate the prospects for Commercial Real Estate to be better in 2011 than the previous year with 41% expecting to see significantly higher trading levels by monetary volume and 63% expecting to see higher pricing levels.
John Purcell, Managing Director of REMD, commented: "This is very encouraging for the Commercial Real Estate market as it continues its overall upward momentum. The survey has returned some very clear and definite views on the direction of the EMEA market in 2011 and there is no doubt from the results that investors see value in bricks and mortar. Expect to see increased activity levels next year. If there is a downside, it is going to come from reduced yields as increasing demand could outstrip supply in certain areas. London Office would be a good candidate."
The survey was conducted online during the last two weeks of October 2010 and sought the views of senior executives responsible for investment decision-making in companies and funds with an interest in Commercial Real Estate in the EMEA region. The survey questions covered views on the wider economy, potential base rates movements, an inflation outlook, asset class comparisons, potential Commercial Real Estate investment activity and opinions on market evolution including pricing, Loan-to-Value movements, distressed assets and Basel III.
Real Estate Market Dynamics Ltd identifies future trends in the Commercial Real Estate markets by conducting regular surveys and releasing opinion-based indices using the latest and most up-to-date market research and polling techniques. Findings from the surveys and changing sentiment levels derived from index-based measures can be used by investors, developers, brokers and advisors in their strategic planning processes. The information derived from the collected data provides a detailed insight into the collective future behaviours of the commercial real estate investment community.
Source: REMD