Meridia Capital acquires three assets in Madrid and Toledo for €40m (ES)


Meridia Capital announced today the acquisition of 3 independent real estate assets in Madrid and Seseña (Toledo) totalling 52,300 m². The assets, which represent an investment of c. €40m - including purchase price and expected CapEx investment - are the following:


  • 40,000 m² logistics platform in Seseña (Toledo)
  • c.4,000 m² office building in Madrid  (‘Santa Leonor 35’)
  • c.8,300 m² office building in Madrid (‘Julián Camarillo 16’)


The logistics platform in Seseña (Toledo) benefits from a prime location, as it belongs to a cutting-edge industrial area, accessible from the A-4 highway, 37 km south from Madrid. Meridia plans to upgrade this asset by carrying out an intensive CapEx programme. Its main tenant currently is the German leading mail and logistics company DHL.


The other two office assets are located in the Julián Camarillo district, a consolidated business area in Madrid where Meridia already owns 9 buildings.


The office building ‘Santa Leonor 35’ serves as headquarters of Suez Environnement.  It is equipped with around 70 parking spaces.


The other one, ‘Julián Camarillo 16’, is leased to Indra Systems, an IBEX 35 listed consulting and technology company. The property is considered a grade A building and offers 140 parking spaces.


Juan Barba, Partner, Managing Director Real Estate at Meridia Capital, said “We are delighted to have added three more valuable assets to our portfolio. Seseña’s platform is the second industrial asset acquired through Meridia III, thus reinforcing our presence in this segment and in a strategic location - the A-4 area is one of the main industrial and logistics hubs in Madrid. Including two other platforms previously acquired through Meridia II, Meridia Capital’s logistics assets currently amount to c. 84.000 m². As Spain’s economic recovery gathers pace, logistics has become an increasingly attractive target for real estate investments. Besides, on the office front, we are happy to work together with two prominent multinationals such as Suez Environnement and Indra Systems.”

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