Housing Growth Partnership (HGP), the Lloyds-backed equity investor in the UK Living sector, has invested c. €20.7m of equity across seven housing schemes in the Midlands since the ...
LCube has received a building permit for the LCube Mszczonow development - an industrial and warehouse park of c. 31,500m2 on a plot of c. 80,000m2. The new LCube industrial and warehouse park ...
Far East Consortium and Manchester City Council’s Victoria North get planning approval for two applications for the emerging Red Bank neighbourhood forming a key part of the wider Victoria ...
Barings has secured planning consent to add two floors to 25 Moorgate, a Grade A office building in the City of London, as a part of a comprehensive refurbishment programme that will deliver ...
Laing O’Rourke has been named the preferred contractor to rebuild University Hospital Monklands in Airdrie. The construction cost has been estimated at c. €816m. The total project cost ...
The Heaton Group has submitted its latest plans with Wigan Council for the regeneration of the c. 68,796m2 Eckersley Mills site off Meadow Road in Wigman. Plans form the third phase of ...
KPMG reached an agreement with developer BPI Real Estate to acquire the Kronos building in Kirchberg and its 32,300m2 site and to develop its future 31,000m2 headquarters. The project is ...
Verdion has started construction of a new €100 million industrial and distribution park in Ludwigsfelde near Berlin as part of its Verdion European Logistics Fund 1 (VELF1). Verdion ...