Neinor Homes (Neinor) and Orion Capital Managers via its sponsored Orion European Real Estate Fund V (Orion), and Neinor’s largest shareholder with a 27% stake, have agreed to acquire the first ...
Works began on the CA Immo's Upbeat office tower project in Berlin. The Governing Mayor of Berlin, Kai Wegner, members of the Bundestag and the Berlin House of Representatives as well as ...
In the Amsterdam district Westerpark West, a new residential building has been completed called Pepper, designed by Elephant. Westerpark West B.V. was the developer and J.P. van ...
Alumno has officially opened a striking mixed-use six and seven-storey building in Leeds that will provide accommodation for the city’s growing student population and features an onsite ...
The VGP Group is developing and building a business park on the municipal territory of Laxenburg and Guntramsdorf with the highest quality and sustainability standards. VGP laid the foundation stone ...
Kajima is acquiring a 77,000m2 greenfield site in Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt region of Germany. The strategic acquisition paves the way for the development of a new sustainable 32,000m2 ...
Diehl Controls, part of Diehl Group, celebrated the groundbreaking ceremony for its new plant in Brasov on September 5, 2023. Production will start in mid-2024 and by 2027, approximately 600 ...
Swedish Logistics Property (SLP) has taken ownership of a property in Hallsberg of 280,000m2 after the property formation gained legal force. The property acquisition was announced at the end of ...