Warsaw Business Journal ranked the obtaining of 100 million financing for Galeria Echo of Kielce among the biggest and most crucial events of the last year and awarded Echo Investment the title of "Real Estate Investor of the Year 2009".
The editorial jury distinguished three companies for having the biggest influence on the Polish economy in the past year. Echo Investment received the title "Real Estate Investor of the Year" for its continuing ability to obtain financing for large projects, putting Poland and the health of its real estate market in the spotlight.
The event, which was considered as crucial for the real estate market, was the signing by Echo Investment of a credit agreement for the amount of 100 million with Eurohypo Bank for the extension of Galeria Echo in Kielce. The obtained credit is the biggest transaction in the Polish real estate market and one of the biggest credits granted in 2009 in the whole region of Mid East Europe.
In the category "Poland's International Success Story" the company PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna was honored and Cargotec Polska received the title of "Investor of the Year".
Source: Echo