Talanx achieves group net income of c. €900m (DE)


Talanx is one of the major European insurance groups based in Hannover and active in some 150 countries. 


On the basis of consolidated, preliminary numbers for the fiscal year 2016, the Talanx Aktiengesellschaft has achieved a Group net income of slightly above €900 million (2015: €734m),
thereby clearly surpassing its own earnings target. On the one hand, this results from lower than expected large losses in the Group. On the other hand, special tax effects have also contributed to the improvement of the result.


Subject to the approval of the supervisory board, the dividend proposal for the fiscal year 2016 to the AGM will be increased to €1.35 (2015:€1.30). For 2017, Talanx raises the outlook for
Group net income to around €800m from previously at least €750m.


Talanx will release its final financial results as well as its annual report on 20 March 2017.

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