Spy Museum opens its doors in hausInvest property at Leipziger Platz (DE)

hausInvest property classicon image

Commerz Real has successfully concluded the remarketing of the Berlin commercial real estate CLASSICON at Leipziger Platz 9 as a multi-tenant property for its open-ended real estate fund hausInvest. On 17 September 2015, the Spy Museum Berlin is officially opening its doors on the ground and first floors with a vernissage in the 9,400 m² property, thus adding a further highlight to Berlin’s museum landscape; on Saturday, 19 September 2015, the museum then opens its doors to the general public. The Spy Museum, which familiarises visitors with the topic of espionage and its historical development through to the present day in an innovative and interactive exhibition, has signed a long-term lease agreement. The opening of the museum is the final step in the successful further development of the property for a number of tenants, following the departure of the former sole tenant DB Schenker. The property in the heart of Berlin is now once again fully leased.


The CLASSICON was completed in 2002 and purchased in the same year for the open-ended real estate fund hausInvest. Among the new tenants who have been acquired in the framework of the multi-tenant strategy are, in addition to the museum, law firms and service providers from the financial, educational, medical, and real estate sectors. As well as the CLASSICON, the fund’s Berlin portfolio also includes the office property Dorotheen-Ensemble, which is likewise fully leased, together with Hotel de Rome and Motel One am Spittelmarkt.


Source: Commerz Real AG

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