Polish Council of Shopping Centres joins EPF (PL)

| ©Lestat

The Polish Council of Shopping Centres is the latest national association to become members European Property Federation, joining a diverse group of organisations representing the likes of the UK, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Portugal and Sweden.


Patrick Delcol and Radosław Knap, Chairman and General Director of the PRCH, commented in a joint statement: “EU policy is now crucial for real estate. Good EU law will improve Polish regulation and facilitate foreign investment. Our membership of EPF will enable active Polish involvement in the design of this EU legislative architecture.”


John Frederiksen and Joseph Houlihan, President and Chairman of the Managing Committee of EPF, commented together: “PRCH’s impressive membership brings us many of the major Polish investors and PRCH will be helping us expand to cover the spectrum of real estate in a country which is now a major player in EU policy-making with, inter alia, 51 members of the European Parliament. We look forward to working with the PRCH and, through it, with the Polish component of European government.”


Established in 1997 as an Economic Interest Grouping under Belgian law, the EPF represents all aspects of property ownership and investment: residential landlords, housing companies, commercial property investment and development companies, shopping centres and the property interests of the institutional investors (banks, insurance companies, pension funds). Its members own property assets valued at €1.5tn, providing and managing buildings for the residential or service and industry tenants that occupy them.


Source: EPF

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