PAMERA Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers GmbH is now trading as Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers GmbH.
The change of name was part of the agreement made between the management of PAMERA and Cornerstone last summer. It has now been implemented, with the aim of uniform designation of the branches in different countries and forthcoming fund products launched by the Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers group. PAMERA Cornerstone’s existing business model, based on asset management services and co-investments, remains unchanged. However, the institutional fund business area will increase in importance in the next few years. The objective of Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers is to develop as a global investment manager, originating in the United States. The European expansion will be completed in the current year. After that, the Asian business will be further developed.
Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLC took over the former PAMERA Asset Management GmbH in summer 2014, integrating it into Cornerstone as the German platform.
Source: Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers