NAS Invest and Blue Rock establish strategic cooperation

bluerock nasinvest

NAS Invest, a real estate investor and asset manager based in Berlin, and Blue Rock, an investment fund licensed and regulated under Gibraltar law with more than €200 mln in real assets under management, have agreed to collaborate in the area of residential property investments. It is planned to launch new vehicles with an acquisition volume of at least €100-150 mln in addition to the commitments of the existing fund. The investment strategy pursued to this end focuses on core-plus and value-add properties in German conurbations, most notably the capital Berlin.


The role of NAS Invest within the cooperation will be to handle the entire value chain at the property end, including acquisitions, property developments, asset management and sales. The plan calls for investments mainly in properties that either need refurbishment or show development potential. Blue Rock will in turn manage the investors via its regulated investment funds, including the areas of investment decisions, reporting and AIFM compliance.


Ronny Pifko, Director of the Blue Rock Fund, commented: “We look forward to expanding the existing collaboration with NAS Invest and to start offering to our investors widely diversified investments in German residential real estate in addition to commercial property. NAS as local asset manager delivers investments that passive investors would otherwise not be able to access and realise in this form.”


Nikolai Dëus-von Homeyer, Managing Director of NAS Invest, added: “Owing to our vast market network, we are in a position to find and develop asset values that out competitors are unaware of. Blue Rock perfectly complements our investment activities. We therefore also take a bright view of our long-term collaboration on this level.”


For more details on either of these companies, please visit their homepages: and


Source: NAS Invest

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