Listed real estate company London & Stamford Property (L&S) will be included in the FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe Index as of Monday December 20, 2010. It passed all eligibility criteria during the Index's December Quarterly Review with an investability weight of 100%, according to EPRA.
Key to the company's successful inclusion was the high level of liquidity of the stock [LSP LN Equity] since its transfer from the AIM Market to the Main Market of the LSE.
Philip Charls, CEO of EPRA commented: "We are very pleased to include L&S to the EPRA Europe Index and increase the market capitalization and visibility of both the company and the EPRA Index going forward."
Patrick Vaughan, L&S Chief Executive Officer commented: "EPRA Index inclusion for L&S is a sign of the strength and professionalism of our team and strategy now broadcast globally to the investor community."
The EPRA index is the leading global benchmark, and most widely used investment index for listed real estate. The total number of constituents on the index, after the L&S inclusion, stands at 82, which represents a free-float market capitalization of approx. €90 billion. The ground rules for index inclusion are publicly available on the EPRA website:
Source: EPRA