Ingo Hartlief leaving Corpus Sireo

Ingo Hartlief

With effect from 31 August 2017, Ingo Hartlief, Deputy Spokesperson of the Management Board and COO of Corpus Sireo Real Estate, Cologne, will be leaving the company at his own request and by mutual agreement. In doing so, his role as CEO of Swiss Life will also come to an end. In the interim, the duties of Ingo Hartlief will be performed by the Executive Committee of the property investment and asset management company. Ingo Hartlief will continue to serve in an advisory capacity until 31 December 2017.


Ingo Hartlief, FRICS, has worked at Corpus Sireo since July 2010. During this time, the Corpus Sireo Group has strategically positioned itself as the leading asset management service provider in Germany. Hartlief was responsible for an additional gain of more than €8bn of real estate under management and also played a leading role in the conception of and client acquisition for eight institutional funds, as well as the acquisition of some large-volume property and portfolio mandates. In addition, Hartlief was instrumental in the development of Swiss Life. The first open-ended mutual property fund, Swiss Life Living and Working, was successfully set up and launched under his leadership.

Ingo Hartlief commented: 'Over the past seven years, the Corpus Sireo team has strengthened the brand, managed the change of ownership from savings banks to Swiss Life, expanded the institutional business and set up a mutual property fund. This all involved a lot of hard work and a huge amount of passion. I would like to thank all my colleagues at Corpus Sireo and Swiss Life for my wonderful and successful time here!'

Ralph Günther, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Corpus Sireo Real Estate remarked: 'Over the past few years, Ingo Hartlief has helped to write the success story of Corpus Sireo. On behalf of the entire Supervisory Board, I would like to thank him for his outstanding dedication. We regret, but respect, his decision to leave the company.'


Bernhard Berg, CEO of Corpus Sireo Real Estate, added: 'As COO, Ingo Hartlief has successfully, prudently and competently guided the development of Corpus Sireo Real Estate. One recent milestone was the establishment of Swiss Life. On behalf of everybody at Corpus Sireo, I would like to wish him all the best both personally and professionally.'

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