Magellium, a company which specialises in offering high value-added engineering, systems design, and solution services has chosen Harwell Science and Innovation Campus to establish its presence in the UK. The French firm, which is headquartered in Toulouse, leverages its expertise in signal and image processing, geomatics, robotics and innovative technologies, to develop solutions for the space, defence and security, environment and healthcare sectors.

Jean-Pierre Madier, CEO of Magellium speaking with to Richard Peckham, Business Development Director from Astrium UK, at the launch of Magellium's first UK operation at Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Oxdordshire.
Some of the company's most recent projects include extracting intelligence from geographical images that contribute to the French military's decision making processes and providing satellite and airborne image processing. For space exploration, Magellium is developing stereovision systems for Exomars, a rover due to land on Mars towards the end of the decade, which will allow the robot to see its 3-D environment. The company is also part of a consortium for a number of telemedicine projects including a remotely operated ultrasound scanner.
Harwell proved to be the perfect location to meet the firm's business needs and future growth plans, and will allow it to expand its operations within a favourable environment alongside world class research institutions and commercial organisations already based at the Campus.
Harwell is being developed into a world-leading centre for science, innovation and technology as part of a joint venture between global property group Goodman, the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
Magellium plans to turn a part-time presence devoted to business development into a permanent workforce of locally recruited and skilled engineers. Dr Sally Ann Forsyth, Director of Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, said: "This move really highlights the compelling case for businesses to locate here at Harwell. It has already enabled Magellium to build closer links with the European Space Agency and facilitate dialogue with other leading institutions and companies that Harwell continues to attract. The company's success and future expansion will have a positive impact on the Oxfordshire economy and we look forward to working with them to help achieve that success."
To celebrate its UK launch, Magellium held an event with a suitable mixture of Oxfordshire wines and French delicacies. Speaking at Magellium's launch event Jean-Pierre Madier, CEO of Magellium, said: "We took the decision to open a UK subsidiary at Harwell to help meet ambitious growth targets and to open up new markets. The initiative has already facilitated the opening of direct dialogue and an exchange of ideas with the European Space Agency, which has a base at Harwell."
Approximately 4,500 people are currently emplo
Harwell proved to be the perfect location to meet the firm's business needs and future growth plans, and will allow it to expand its operations within a favourable environment alongside world class research institutions and commercial organisations already based at the Campus.
Harwell is being developed into a world-leading centre for science, innovation and technology as part of a joint venture between global property group Goodman, the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
Magellium plans to turn a part-time presence devoted to business development into a permanent workforce of locally recruited and skilled engineers. Dr Sally Ann Forsyth, Director of Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, said: "This move really highlights the compelling case for businesses to locate here at Harwell. It has already enabled Magellium to build closer links with the European Space Agency and facilitate dialogue with other leading institutions and companies that Harwell continues to attract. The company's success and future expansion will have a positive impact on the Oxfordshire economy and we look forward to working with them to help achieve that success."
To celebrate its UK launch, Magellium held an event with a suitable mixture of Oxfordshire wines and French delicacies. Speaking at Magellium's launch event Jean-Pierre Madier, CEO of Magellium, said: "We took the decision to open a UK subsidiary at Harwell to help meet ambitious growth targets and to open up new markets. The initiative has already facilitated the opening of direct dialogue and an exchange of ideas with the European Space Agency, which has a base at Harwell."
Approximately 4,500 people are currently emplo