Catella has engaged Ubbe Strihagen to strengthen Catella's asset management within the real estate segment.
Catella has assets totaling approximately SEK 17 billion (nearly 2 billion) under management in real estate-related investment management mandates and funds. The operations are conducted through Catella Real Estate KAG in Munich and Amplion Asset Management OY in Helsinki.
In close cooperation with these operations, Strihagen will develop new investment products. The focus will lie on offering institutional investors in the Nordics and Benelux new products primarily allocated on other markets than the native markets.
"We want to explore the possibilities for offering new investment alternatives in the real estate area. Ubbe will support our current operations and we're extremely pleased that we've been able to involve Ubbe with Catella in order to take charge of this work," says Johan Ericsson, CEO Catella.
Strihagen possesses long experience from international property funds and most recently held the position of Director at fund manager Schroders Investment Management, where for the past four years he has been responsible for property funds in the Nordic region and Benelux countries. Strihagen previously worked at Aberdeen Asset Management as International Director with global responsibility for new property funds and Business Development.
The Catella Group has assets under management totaling approximately SEK 34 billion, of which SEK 17 billion are managed within the property area and SEK 17 billion within equity, fixed income and hedge products.
Source: Catella