"We are expecting that the encouraging net income of â¬74,9 million in 2004 and the net asset value of ⬠15,20 will again be exceeded this year", stated Eckart John von Freyend, CEO of the Bo ...
Aareal Bank Group consolidated net profit after minority interest was ⬠19 million for the first three months of 2005. The mortgage and public sector Pfandbriefe issued by Aareal Hyp retained the ...
The Sacyr Vallehermoso (SyV) groupâs Annual General Shareholdersâ Meeting approved today the increase an increase in nonassessable capital charged against reserves to pay the shareholders. T ...
The revenues of Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A. (FCC) for the first quarter of this year totalled 1,526.8 million euros, which represents a 4.3% increase over the same period last year.The ...
The Consortium jointly owned by Investitori Associati SGR S.p.a., DB Real Estate Global Opportunities IB L.P, Pirelli RE S.p.A and the Borletti Group, after receiving the approval of the European Comm ...
Minerva plc, the property investment and development company, has announced the appointment of Salmaan Hasan as Chief Executive with effect from 30 June 2005. Salmaan Hasan, aged 40, is presently at t ...
On April 28 the municipality of Amsterdam, CZAN and ING Real Estate have signed a framework agreement of Centrum Amsterdam Noord. In this agreement the parties have commit engagements concerning reali ...
SEB Immobilien-Investment GmbH, Frankfurt, is the first German real estate fund management company to have received an asset manager rating from the international and independent rating agency FitchRa ...