Le Premier, commercial property fund based in Ireland, has acquired a new property located in France at Moissy-Cramayel (77), previously owned by a French private investor.The property is composed of ...
Risanamento has bought three buildings from SFL (Société Foncière Lyonnaise). The buildings are situated in the 8th arrondissement of Paris (France), 1,500 m² at 17, rue Saint-Florentin, 6,600 m² ...
The Port of Copenhagen and Sjælsø Gruppen signed an agreement for the joint development of a substantial area at Teglholmen in Copenhagen Sydhaven.The area, which has been acquired from private owne ...
The Supervisory board of Dekabank Deutsche Girozentrale has appointed Franz S. Waas, Ph.D, as new Chairman of the Board. Waas will start on January 1, 2006 at the latest. Franz S. Waas (44) is now Mem ...
Pensions management company MN Services says it has entered into a real estate joint venture with US company Fairfield Residential on behalf of two Dutch pension funds. "The cooperation will be activ ...
Fastighets AB Tornet has sold the properties Lorensberg 58:6 and 58:7 in Göteborg (Sweden) for a total price of SEK 132 million (approx. 15 million). The purchase price exceeds the book value as at ...
TKD Nordeuropa, TK Development's wholly-owned subsidiary group, has sold the office property at Sankt Annæ Plads no. 13 in Copenhagen. This approx. 8,200 m² five-storey property is situated on the s ...
The property fund API Property Fund Denmark P/S has acquired a major property portfolio from Diligentia Danmark A/S as per 1 July 2005. The acquired portfolio includes seven prime office properties in ...