The Management Board of AM NV has noted the recent movement in the AM share price and related media reports.To prevent dissemination of entirely inaccurate information in the market, the company confi ...
The Executive Committee of Aedes S.p.A. has approved guidelines for reorganising the Group's operations in order to be presented to the Board of Directors which will be held on August 4, 2005.This reo ...
CoreNet Global announced that Bruce Richards has been named Australia and New Zealand Region Chair. Richards is the National Portfolio Manager for Australia Post, responsible for a portfolio of 520 pr ...
NCC Construction AS in Norway has entered into an agreement with the group that owns "Nydalen Kvarter" regarding the construction of 166 apartments in Nydalen, Oslo. The contract is worth NOK 170 mill ...
At the Annual General Meeting on July 5, 2005, the shareholders of Züblin Immobilien Holding AG approved the conversion of bearer shares into registered shares. The conversion will take place on 11 J ...
Savills has won a sole agency mandate from Milanofiori 2000 srl, Gruppo Brioschi Finanziaria, to lease its flagship retail park in the comune of Assago, southern Milan. The project will comprise 6 â ...
Ermine Amies, managing director of The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Europe, has been shortlisted for European Woman of Achievement 2005. These unique awards highlight women who are ...
Sales of UK shopping centres in 2005 could possibly exceed 2004's record of £6.5bn according to the latest mid-year statistics from global property adviser Cushman & Wakefield Healey & Baker ...