AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) announces its European Growth, AXA Pacific Growth, AXA American Growth and AXA Global Growth funds have been awarded 'AA' ratings by Standard & Poor's (S&P). A ...
The Board of Directors of Züblin Immobilien Holding AG is expanding the company's group management by creating the post of Chief Operating Officer (COO). Dr. Barbara V. Stuber has been appointed to t ...
Grontmij Real Estate have announced that they have been granted a building permit for their Tulipan Park warehouse project. The investment is located in Stryków, near Lódz.In the first stage there w ...
France, Germany and Poland plan to charm Mid East investors Paris and Lyon along with Hamburg and the Polish capital Warsaw have all announced plans to woo regional investors. Pundits will get the cha ...
The British Land Company PLC has sold 10 Fleet Place, London EC4, part of its Ludgate Estate, to CIT for a gross price of £109.12 million. The building comprises 180,000 ft² in 10 storeys and is hel ...
Morgan Stanley Real Estate Funds (MSREF) has just acquired a 50% interest each the in the German eBay headquarters near Berlin and a Telekom property in Hamburg. Both real estate packages had been acq ...
In the first half of 2005 Sonae Sierra's Net Consolidated Profit(after minority holdings) were 40 million, which is a 24% rise compared to the same period in 2004. At the end of the first half of th ...
Hypo Real Estate Bank International has announced that it has provided 36.4 million of development finance to Arlington Barcelona S.L.U. for the construction of the first phase of Viladecans Busines ...