KanAm Grund Group in Frankfurt has sold the landmark building at 30 South Colonnade for KanAm grundinvest Fonds in London. The buyer is the Chinese HNA Group which numbers among the top 500 companies ...
Developer of the Candy Crush franchise leases 19,507 m² at Peterson HK and Resolution's Soho office transformation. King Digital Entertainment plc (NYSE: KING), a leading digital ...
The Hamburg based company Warburg-HIH Invest Real Estate GmbH (Warburg-HIH Invest, formerly: HIH Global Invest Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH), has acquired the East Side Office in Berlin within ...
Union Investment Real Estate GmbH is continuing to increase the international exposure of its open-ended real estate funds. The Hamburg-based property investment manager has acquired the fully let ...
Topland Group, headed by Sol Zakay, has appointed international real estate advisor Savills to sell First Avenue House, 42-49 High Holborn in London’s midtown. First Avenue House is a ...
TIAA-CREF, a leading financial services provider, and the Swedish National Pension Funds AP1 and AP2 have agreed to combine forces in a new joint venture to create a leading, pan-European ...
Kungsleden improves its already strong position in Kista Science City by acquiring the office property Electra Building (Keflavik 1) with a total leasable area of 25,000 m². The vendor is ...
The BlackRock UK Property Fund (“the Fund”) has purchased The Atrium in Harefield Road, Uxbridge, London for approx. €76.5 mln (£55.9 mln) from Aviva Investors. The ...