Ireland and the US are set to see the biggest rise in distressed sales, says RICS research published today (7 June 2010). Accoring to RICS Global Distressed Property Monitor Q1 2010, real estate profe ...
With 216,000 m², Autopia Europia the world's biggest auto-mall. The Turkish firm GAD (global architectural development) in collaboration with Dara Kirmizitoprak designed Autopia Europia in Istanbul, ...
This years EXPO ITALIA (EIRE 2010) to be held June 8 - 10 in Milan, will welcome 473 companies and institutions who are represented there, and over 14,000 professional operators (from over 50 Countrie ...
Jones Lang LaSalle has just issued part two of the Retail 2020 study "Power to the People / Consumer Cut-through". Retail 2020, which was launched on 28th May via a bespoke interactive website, examin ...
Multi Corporation, the largest independent developer in Europe with offices in 14 countries, will, in future re-focus primarily on developing shopping centers and inner-city re-generations in strategi ...
Goodman Group announced the signing of an agreement with discount supermarket chain, LIDL for the development of a 39,392 m
Goodman Group announced the signing of an agreement with discount supermarket chain, LIDL for the development of a 39,392 m² logistics facility at Chanteloup-les-Vignes in the Western Paris region. T ...
The Board of Directors of Pirelli & C. Real Estate examined and approved the proposal to change the company's name which will be submitted to the next Shareholders' Meeting. The company's new name ...