On September 14, 2010, a consortium of Multi Development Poland and Multi Corporation signed the Preliminary Shareholders Agreement with the Municipality of Gdansk. The document is the basis on which the consortium will prepare and present Multi's urban and architectural concept for development of the Hay and Crayfish market. Upon approval by the Municipality, the final agreement will be signed and the concept executed.

The investment will be in the very heart of historical Gdansk, the capital city of Pomerania, and one of the most important cities in Poland. With 457,000 inhabitants, Gdansk is sixth among Polish cities and the beating heart of the TriCity agglomeration of more than 1.2 million inhabitants.
The location is in the heart of the city surrounded by the Central train station, main entrance of the historical city center, the planned new tram and bus station and the town hall. It is planned that the investment will encompass an area of approx. 5.5 ha.
The total GLA of all newly built units will amount to 100,000 m² of which 50,000 m² will be retail. Start of construction is planned in 2012.
Described as "complex, demanding, multifunctional and imagination-driven", the project will combine retail trade, services, hotel, offices and entertainment. It involves development of new buildings and redevelopment of existing infrastructure that will improve the existing and future passageway of two significant and crucial interchanges. The Municipality, together with Polish Railways, will provide a new commuter rail station to ensure access to the new public space that will be created on the old market. Development of the space above the railway tracks promises to be one of the most breathtaking developments in the project. The Hay and Crayfish market is to become a new metropolitan center of Gdansk and a direct extension of the existing historic main city.
"This project is tailored for Multi," says Ronald Dasbach, Managing Director for Central Europe. "Multi has always been interested in the renewal of inner-city space and has an impressive track-record in these projects".
"Gdansk has been our target since Multi started in Poland," says Tomasz Matusiak, Managing Director, Multi Development Poland. "It is a place of great potential that deserves unique public space where history and modern times are woven together in harmony".
Source: Multi