The know-how of a major player by your side.

Guy Van WymerschFRICS General Manager of Real Estate 
Jean SterbelleHead of Real Estate Commercial Management- Letting & Invest 
Alain VerheulpenHead of Development & Works 
Johan PillaertPublic Sector Relation Management & C.R. 
Jean-Luc BrosselHead of Technical Property Management 
Gaëtan VandeloiseHead of Finance AXA Belgium is a subsidiary of the AXA Group, a world leader in insurance and asset management.
The AXA Group is spread over 56 countries with 216,000 employees and serves more than 96 million clients worldwide. The AXA Group is a multi-specialist in real estate asset management.
Activities in Belgium
Thanks to the great stability and financial solidity of the group, AXA Belgium is one of the main investors in the Belgian real estate market. With more than €3 billion in assets (about 1 million m²), AXA is one of the largest private owners in Belgium. Around 75% of the portfolio is invested in large office buildings and the remaining 25% is invested in shopping centers, retail buildings and storage facilities.
AXA Belgium monitors economic developments, which enables it to invest in a defensive way and has a low risk profile with a limited number of real estate developments. The prime location and diversification of the properties, the technical equipment and flexibility of the buildings, as well as AXA’s own property management team which maintains the high quality of the portfolio and offers a full service to its clients, explains why AXA is the ideal long-term partner for first-rate tenants in Belgium.
The Belgian team has extensive experience in the fields of marketing, management, development and investment in real estate projects on a long-term basis.
AXA’s 900 tenants include the Belgian State, the Flemish Region, the European Commission, the Australian Embassy, Suez-Tractebel, Euroclear, PSA, ENI, The Bank of NY, CFE, Accor, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Baxter, FNAC, Esprit, Zara, H&M, Carrefour, Decathlon, Kenwood, AGC, BSB Group and Euler Hermes.
Our values
Team spirit