Regulated real estate company Vastned Retail Belgium has acquired a premium city high street shop in the heart of Antwerp. It forms an entity of 220 m² on the ground floor and 310 m² on the first floor. Therefore, Vastned Retail Belgium can respond to the increasing demand for larger commercial spaces from luxury retailers.
On number 30 Vastned Retail Belgium will soon welcome the leading Italian fashion brand Manilla Grace.
Schuttershofstraat is a luxury shopping street in Antwerp with retailers such as Hermès, Gucci, Jimmy Choo and Chanel. The acquired shop is located beside Schuttershofstraat 24, already owned by Vastned Retail Belgium, and leased to the Belgian high-end fashion retailer Terre Bleue. In addition to Schuttershofstraat 22 and 24 Vastned Retail Belgium also owns Schuttershofstraat 30 and 32, leased respectively to the French lingerie brand Pain de Sucre and the exclusive Belgian jeweller Slaets. The lease agreement with Slaets was recently renewed. Both lease agreements show clearly that this location is in demand among leading retailers in the top segment.
Vastned Retail Belgium, has also acquired an inner-city shop located on Korte Gasthuisstraat 17, which is leased long-term on market term to one of the new brands of H&M. This inner-city shop has a commercial space of nearly 1.100 m² over two floors.
Jean-Paul Sols, CEO said: “Vastned Retail Belgium is confident that it will be able to expand further this year its real estate portfolio in the historical inner-city and more precisely on Schuttershofstraat”.
Source: Vastned