The UK Green Building Council today welcomed the Coalition Agreement but warned that it falls short of the progressive vision necessary to cut carbon from our homes and buildings.
Paul King, Chief Executive of the UK Green Building Council said: "Much of today's Coalition Agreement should be warmly welcomed, such as the Green Deal proposal, which will give homeowners access to finance to make their homes more energy efficient and could lead to huge improvements in our leaky housing stock.
"But this was also an opportunity for the Coalition Government to commit itself clearly and unequivocally to the target for all new homes to be zero carbon from 2016 and all new non-domestic buildings from 2019 and these targets do not feature in the agreement. Government, working with industry, has made huge progress in revolutionising the construction and property sector and momentum should be maintained.
"I look forward to the new government re-committing to these targets. The construction and property industry urgently needs the reassurance that there will be consistency and continuity in this area."
Source: UKGBC