TLG IMMOBILIEN AG achieves full occupancy (DE)


TLG IMMOBILIEN AG closes in full occupancy after renting out 6,000m² on Alexanderstrasse in Berlin and also achieves full occupancy on Hausvogteiplatz.


  • BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement GmbH is renting out approx. 6,000m² of office space at Alexanderstrasse 1, 3, 5 in Berlin
  • The last of the free office space at Hausvogteiplatz 12 has been rented out
  • Both properties are now fully occupied


Alexanderstrasse 1, 3, 5 – the second-largest office property in the portfolio of TLG IMMOBILIEN AG with around 43,000m² of lettable area in total – will be occupied by BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement GmbH, a company owned by the state of Berlin, in several stages between January and March 2017. The rental agreement has a term of 5 years. This central property is therefore virtually full occupied, even though its vacancy rate was still around 25% on 31 December 2015.


The office building at Hausvogteiplatz 12 will also be fully occupied as of February 2017. Around 430m² of representative office space was rented out recently. This location is not far from the Gendarmenmarkt in the heart of the city and is also the location of the headquarters of TLG IMMOBILIEN AG in Berlin.


Sven Graven, Branch Manager at TLG IMMOBILIEN AG, explains: ‘The enormous reduction of vacancy rates on Alexanderplatz in so short a time is a clear indication of the high demand for office space at this location and in the capital as a whole.’

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