OUD secures planning for Begbroke Innovation District (GB)

OUD secures planning for Begbroke Innovation District (GB)

Cherwell District Council has resolved to grant outline planning permission to Oxford University Development (OUD), a joint venture between the University of Oxford and Legal & General, for a contemporary new village, which will redefine the model for a 21st-century community by delivering homes alongside cutting-edge research and academic space.



Located around Begbroke Science Park, just a few miles north of Oxford, Begbroke Innovation District will provide circa 1,800 new homes, of which 50% will be affordable. The masterplan by Hawkins Brown will deliver an environmentally sustainable development featuring four distinct parklands covering 50% of the site and built around ‘green arteries’ running through the scheme. Alongside the homes and open space, there will be up to three new schools and a range of community facilities including shops, restaurants, and other social infrastructure, for the benefit of existing and new residents as well as workers.


Anna Strongman, Chief Executive of OUD, said: “We welcome the decision by Cherwell District Council. The resolution to grant outline planning approval for Begbroke Innovation District is a major step forward in our ambition to deliver sustainable communities in Oxfordshire that will enable world-leading research and innovation to continue alongside much needed new homes. The approved plans have been shaped through extensive consultation with residents, community representatives, Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council. This collaborative approach will continue as we move forward.” 


The proposed Innovation District will build on the 25-year legacy of world-class science and innovation from Oxford University at Begbroke Science Park, which is already home to more than 20 research groups in engineering, materials and life sciences as well as around 30 high-tech companies. Up to 155,000m2 of flexible employment space, alongside the existing estate and 12,500m2 of recently opened space at the OUD’s two new Begbroke Science Buildings, will allow commercial research tenants and University spinouts to scale up and expand – helping to ensure that Oxfordshire continues to attract and retain the world’s brightest and best talent.


Delivering the new housing next to the innovation space helps to directly tackle Oxfordshire’s significant housing needs and improve sustainability by putting jobs next to homes.


The next step will be to finalise the Section 106 legal agreement to enable the project progress in 2025 when OUD will bring forward detailed proposals in consultation with Cherwell District Council, Oxfordshire County Council and the local community. The Section 106 agreement will set out the infrastructure obligations needed to support the development.


Image provided by Cascade Communications.


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