NCC to construct green office building for Fabege for SEK 830 million (SE)

generic office building image | © Alexander Kondratenko

NCC has been commissioned by Fabege AB to construct a 40,000m² office building next to Arenastaden in Solna, Sweden. The office building will be BREEAM Excellent certified and have ICA as the largest tenant. The order is worth SEK 830 million (€90m).


“Cooperation during the project engineering phase has been excellent and we look forward to carrying out this project together with Fabege. It is our first large-scale assignment for Fabege and we are using a collaboration form known as partnering. It is a form that we have used before for similar projects and our experience of it is extremely positive,” says Henrik Landelius, Head of NCC Building Sweden.


The office building will be seven stories and include an underground parking garage with about 120 parking spaces. The building will mainly house ICA’s new headquarters.


The building will have large glazed facades and be BREEAM-SE Excellent certified.


“We feel assured about how the initial preparations have been carried out and our impression of NCC’s staff is that they are highly competent and committed. Together, we have created a solid basis for a successful project and we are looking forward to the start of construction,” says Klas Holmgren, Director of Projects and Development Fabege.


Preparatory groundwork has recently begun at the site and construction of the actual building structure will begin at year-end 2016. The office building will be completed for occupancy in the autumn of 2018.


The project will be registered among orders during the second quarter of 2016 in the NCC Building business area.


Source: NCC

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