NCC to build new water supply system for Skellefteå Municipality (SE)


NCC has been commissioned by Skellefteå Municipality to build a new water supply system. The system will supply 45,000 people in Skellefteå and nearby communities with clean drinking water. The order is worth SEK463m (€49.3m).


“Having a reliable water supply is becoming an increasingly important social issue. NCC joined the project at an early stage, which meant that we could work together with the customer and consultants to develop an innovative and sustainable solution for the local water supply in Skellefteå,” said Svante Hagman, business area manager at NCC Infrastructure.


Skellefteå Municipality needs a new water supply system in order to provide more consistent and higher quality drinking water. Unlike the current system, which collects water directly from the river, the new system will use groundwater. A new waterworks will be built in the town of Medle. From there, water will be supplied to Skellefteå via a system of pipes.


The aim of the water supply project is to simplify the production of drinking water and improve delivery reliability. The new water supply system will also reduce the use of chemicals and provide a better work environment for the Municipality’s employees.


Skellefteå Municipality, Ramböll and NCC are conducting the project as an extended partnering project, which means that all of the parties involved will contribute their expertise from the start of the project, thereby saving time and money.


“Finally! We are looking forward to carrying out this major investment project together with NCC and our other partners. After a long preparation period, we are finally breaking ground,” said Stefan Johansson, head of the water and waste management department at Skellefteå Municipality.


Construction will start in August 2016 and continue until 2018. The system will be deployed in early 2019 following calibration and operational testing.


The transaction will be registered in the second quarter of 2016 as follows: 60% in the NCC Infrastructure business area and 40% in the NCC Building business area.

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