The UK Green Building Council today welcomed the progress report from the Committee on Climate Change, which has said a step change will be necessary to meet our 2020 climate change targets.
Paul King, Chief Executive of the UK Green Building Council said: "There's no escaping the implications of this report - we need to up our game if we're to meet our legally binding carbon targets. The Committee is right to highlight the importance of our built environment. We need a massive program of refurbishment for our homes, businesses and public buildings, which will not only put us on a cost-effective fast-track to cutting carbon, it will provide much needed employment in the construction and property sector.
"A lot rests on the upcoming Energy Bill and Government's plans for a 'Green Deal' scheme for households. It's crucial that this scheme delivers, not just for our leaky housing stock, but also for non-residential buildings, which together are responsible for 43% of the UK's carbon emissions."
Source: UKGBC