A significant majority of shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting of IMMOFINANZ AG on 20 January 2010 voted in favour of the joint proposal by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board to merge with IMMOFINANZ AG's subsidiary IMMOEAST. 99.99% voted in favour, thereby clearly exceeding the three quarters majority necessary to pass the resolution.
Alongside the merger, the General Meeting agreed to a capital increase at IMMOFINANZ AG by up to 589, 027,546.14 by issuing up to 567,363,702 bearer shares. The issue is intended for IMMOEAST shareholders, who shall receive three IMMOFINANZ shares for every two IMMOEAST shares.
The merger agreed to by the IMMOFINANZ shareholders still requires the approval of IMMOEAST. Therefore, IMMOEAST has scheduled an Extraordinary General Meeting for today (January 21, 2010).