HHLA acquired majority stake in ROLAND Spedition GmbH

HHLA acquired majority stake in ROLAND Spedition GmbH

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) acquired a majority stake in the Austrian company ROLAND Spedition GmbH. The law firm CERHA HEMPEL provided comprehensive legal advice to HHLA during the transaction.


Roland Spedition GmbH is one of Austria's largest owner-operated container operators for combined hinterland transport. The company has a significant role in shifting transport from road to environmentally friendly rail transport. Its network extends across Central and Southern Europe, connecting seaports such as Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Koper, and Trieste with the hinterland. The company has around 50 employees at two locations in Austria.


HHLA plans to integrate Roland's services with its European network of seaport terminals in Hamburg, Tallinn, Trieste, and Odessa, along with intermodal hinterland connections and inland terminals. Together with Roland, HHLA aims to offer customers customised, climate-friendly transport solutions throughout Europe.


"We are delighted to have advised HHLA on this important investment. The cooperation was characterised by a strong partnership and a common goal: the successful implementation of this important acquisition," said Mark Krenn, partner at CERHA HEMPEL. 


"This acquisition will further support the growth of both companies and we are proud to have played our part," added Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein, partner at CERHA HEMPEL.


The sellers were legally advised by Taylor Wessing.


Image source - Pexels.


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