ECE announced that the preparatory work for the Holsten-Galerie in Neumünster has been completed and construction can commence. With a convenient location, between the ICE train station, Gänsemarkt and Großflecken, the shopping gallery will comprise about 90 specialist stores, cafés, restaurants, and service providers. The project is worth approximately €145 mln and its completion is scheduled for fall next year.
The sales area spans ca. 22,800 m² on two levels. Half of it has already been leased out. On the roof on the center and in a separate parking garage, about 950 parking spaces will be built for visitors who arrive by car. The catchment area of Holsten-Galerie comprises ca. 192,000 inhabitants. The long-term management of Holsten-Galerie lies in the hands of ECE who developed and planned the project.
Alexander Otto, CEO of ECE, sees great potential in Neumünster: "Holsten-Galerie will become the new living-room in the heart of the city center and will provide fascinating shopping experiences. We, as a family-run company, made a conscious decision for the location Neumünster and will take long-term responsibility as investor for Holsten-Galerie."
Source: ECE