Deutsche Hypo finances FORMAT office in Gdansk (PL)

Deutsche Hypo finances FORMAT office in Gdansk (PL)

Deutsche Hypo – NORD/LB Real Estate Finance finances the Gdansk office properties FORMAT for the Polish real estate company Greenstone Sp. z o. o. Sp. K. The financing volume of c. 31m is split into a real estate loan of €22m with a term of 3.5 years and a one-year VAT loan of c. €9m.


Located in the Oliwa business district, the buildings were constructed in 2022. It extends over five upper floors and two lower ground floors. The approximately 16,500m2 are nearly fully let to nine tenants. FORMAT has received LEED Platinum certification. Its sustainable construction is reflected, among other things, in the fact that energy is partly generated with the help of photovoltaic panels and recycled materials used in construction.


With FORMAT we are financing sustainable office properties in the main office district of Gdansk that is very well connected to public transport,” said Beata Latoszek, Head of the Warsaw representative office of Deutsche Hypo – NORD/LB Real Estate Finance. “We are pleased to have gained Greenstone as a customer and are proud of the speedy progress made throughout the entire loan process in just under two months,” she added.


We greatly appreciate the smooth cooperation with Deutsche Hypo – NORD/LB Real Estate Finance on this transaction. Greenstone has been investing in the Tri-City office market since 2017, generating outstanding returns for its clients. We are pleased that we can continue our investment journey with the acquisition of FORMAT, whose key advantages include a strategic location in Gdansk and an unparalleled finish quality,” said Marcin Gajewski, Partner, Greenstone.


The market value report was prepared by Colliers, and the legal support for the deal was provided by Wolf Theiss.


Image source - Deutsche Hypo.


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