Rockspring Property Investment Managers LLP announced the final closing of Rockspring UK Value Fund, a closed-ended English Limited Partnership focused on commercial property in the UK which offers sc ...
Coopsette and Impresa Pizzarotti presented their new commercial center -Parma Urban District - planned by architect Mario Cucinella in Milan at EIRE 2010, at the Fiera MilanoRho. SIP area's new desi ...
Landlords and retailers went head to head this week at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) first Retail Real Estate Conference in Bulgaria, held in association with the Bulgarian Reta ...
Central and Eastern European (CEE) commercial real estate investment turnover totalled 783 million in April and May 2010, bringing the region's investment volume total for the first five months of t ...
There are 754 m² of retail space per one thousand people in Brno. In Ostrava this figure is 553 m², in Pilsen 1,073 m² and in Liberec 1208 m². Overall, retail projects in the south Moravian metrop ...
Hammerson plc, which owns 25% of Battery Retail Park in Birmingham, has acquired the remaining 75% from its partner TIAA-CREF for a consideration, including costs, of
Hammerson plc, which owns 25% of Battery Retail Park in Birmingham, has acquired the remaining 75% from its partner TIAA-CREF for a consideration, including costs, of £49.5 million (58.8 million).B ...
European retail property company Redevco, a member of The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), will brief the European Commission and the influential Retail Forum in Brussels on 24 June o ...