Hamburg based ECE Projektmanagement, the European market leader for inner-city shopping centers, has acquired Auxideico Gestión S.A.U., a leading Spanish center management company, from ING Real Esta ...
Jones Lang LaSalle has been appointed as the Property Manager for OZ MALL in Krasnodar. OZ MALL is one of the largest Shopping and Entertainment Centres in Europe with a total area of approximately 21 ...
Investment in UK retail real estate reached
Investment in UK retail real estate reached £3.7 billion (4.42 billion) in the first six months of 2010, a 15% increase on the same period last year, according to the latest data from CB Richard El ...
In the first half of 2010 the German market for residential portfolios saw 60 residential packages comprising a total of just below 33,900 units change hands. This marks a slight fall compared to the ...
The Executive Board of Deutsche EuroShop AG, Hamburg has resolved to increase the Company's share capital by 1,780,000.00 (corresponding to around 4.0% of the current share capital) by means of ...