Since the start of the financial year Helical has continued to take advantage of a buoyant investment market, selling over £150m of investment properties including its two industrial estates at Aycli ...
Citycon Board of Directors has decided to strengthen its personnel resources in property investment by appointing Mr. Harri Holmström (48), M.Sc. (Surveying), Chief Investment Officer and member of t ...
The highlights are: adjusted diluted net asset value per share up 8.4% to 1443p (31/03/2004: 1331p); uplift of 5.3% in the valuation of the investment portfolio; pre-tax profits rose 8.2% to £196.6m ...
, a large number of leasing markets have improved. In Germany, growth prospects remain modest. The rental level is beginning to stabilise at a low level. Increasing new rentals and top rents in conj ...
On November 16, 2004, Eurohypo AG has opened a representative office in Helsinki. Eurohypo has long been represented in Northern Europe by its predecessor banks. This presence in Helsinki will close u ...
Befimmo’s full year results showed a weaker quality of earnings and a lower than expected re-valuation (-0.2% vs estimate of +0.4%). The occupancy rate dropped further in the fourth quarter from 92. ...
Land Securities Group PLC and Slough Estates plc announced yesterday that they have exchanged contracts for the property swap announced on 24 August 2004. The transaction will involve an exchange of t ...
AM (formerly Amstelland MDC) has completed a contract to sell the shopping center Forum Coimbra, located in central Portugal, to ING Real Estate Investment Management. The total investment value of th ...