VastNed Offices/Industrial today presented its annual results 2004. The highlights are: direct investment result: â¬40.8 million (â¬48.6 million*); indirect investment result: â¬37.7 mill ...
VastNed Retail today presented its annual results 2004. The highlights are: direct investment result: â¬62.0 million (â¬61.8 million*); indirect investment result: â¬9.7 million (â¬21 ...
Thanks to Euroméditerranée, France´s biggest infrastructure project to date, provincial Marseilles is preparing to compete with Paris for foreign property investors. As a leading open- ...
FTSE Group (FTSE), the global index provider, today takes over calculation of a specialist real estate index series for institutional investors, the EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate Indices, which will ...
The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) is pleased to announce that Eileen Connolly, director of retail marketing for Donaldsons, London, United Kingdom, has been appointed the 2005 MAXI ...
On 23 December 2004, Swiss Prime Site launched a public tender offer for all publicly held bearer shares of Maag Holding AG. Until the end of the additional acceptance period on 10 February 2005, shar ...
The Reyzábal family, owner of the Windsor building, destroyed by a fire recently, plans to raise a new skyscraper after the demolition of the old building´s skeleton. The Windsor II´s project ...
IVG Immobilienfonds GmbH has fully placed its closed-end real estate fund Euroselect 08 within four months. The fund invests in the office building One Neathouse Place in Londonâs Westend which h ...