Donaldsons appointed as planning consultants to the Pathway Project (UK)Donaldsons, the property consultants, has been appointed as planning consultants to the £761 million Pathway Project: a five ye ...
In Arendal, right next to the Gothenburg harbour, Eklandia Fastighets AB is about to build a warehouse and logistics building with a lettable area of approx. 27,000 m². Castellum, one of the major li ...
After a good first half, AM NV is on track to meet its target of higher earnings per share in 2005 compared with 2004. The urban centre, shopping centre, housing and office developer reports operating ...
As of 23 august 2005 investment fund VHS is disappearing from the stock exchange listing of Euronext. By a public bid of 22,- per share, owner Ed Maas, who allready owns 95% of the shares, is trying ...
Homburg Invest, Inc. has announced that it will proceed with its offer on the ordinary shares of DIM Vastgoed N.V. The offer price will be based on the average closing price of the last 30 trading day ...
ING Real Estate is pleased to announce the successful acquisition of a portfolio of 128 commercial properties from Abbey National PLC by a syndicate led by ING Real Estate Investment Management (UK Fu ...
Hamburg-based DIFA Deutsche Immobilien Fonds AG has disposed of its majority holding in the 52-storey "Figueroa at Wilshire" tower, which provides approximately 97,000 m² of office space in downtown ...
C-Series bonds under Sponda Plc's Convertible Bond 2000 were converted into 61,000 new shares on 4 August 2005. The corresponding increase in share capital, 61,000, was recorded in the Trade Registe ...