Capital & Regional plc reported a rise in underlying profits for the first half and reporting its net asset value - a key measure for property companies - rose 12.5% to 799p a share at the end of ...
Minerva has issued a stock exchange statement reiterating its commitment to to build the 92,902 m² Minerva Building, following speculation that it had shelved the plans.The announcement said: 'Minerv ...
Homburg Invest Inc. has purchased the Kai Mortensen lands located in the heart of the Design District of Calgary on 11th Avenue and 11th Street S.W. The project is being developed and constructed for ...
As of September 1, 2005, Aart C. Hordijk Ph.D. has been appointed as Visiting Associate Professor Real Estate & Housing at the Delft University in the Netherlands.Aart Hordijk started to work in r ...
Sharp Electronics is to relocate its UK headquarters from Manchester to the Thames Valley. They have taken a sub lease from Motorola on 38,354 ft² at Stockley Park. The letting of 4 Furzeground Way ...
The ČEZ Group, one of the largest companies based at the Prague BB Centrum, have announced their plans to enter into a lease on the E Building, situated in close proximity to their existing o ...
IVG Immobilien AG soon starts to sell the real estate fund "EuroSelect 11". The minimum participation in the office property "Moorgate" in the City of London is 15,000. It is situated in the heart o ...
A large Austrian stocklisted property company operating in Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe, has purchased the 6,000 m2 Optima "A" Center office building. Optima "A" Office Building is locate ...