Grainger Trust plc expects to book full year pre-tax profits slightly ahead of the current market consensus. The UK residential investor reported core tenanted residential sales have continued to exce ...
Because of the positive business development IVG Immobilien AG expects a net profit after income tax for 2005 in the range of €100 mln (2004: €74.9 mln). All three divisions portfoli ...
Istithmar, a major investment house based in the UAE, said it had acquired London's One Trafalgar Square for GBP 155 million (around $273 million). The acquisition financing bank is Barclays Capital.T ...
ING announced the sale of the Delftse Poort office building in Rotterdam to KanAm, a German real estate investment fund, and the ING Dutch Office Fund. Each fund now owns 50% of the building. The sale ...
London and Paris are by a long margin Europe's two top cities to locate a business, with the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Madrid rising up the ranking to challenge the likes of Amsterdam and Brusse ...
Invesco Real Estate, London, has announced changes in its management. Guy Barker is from now on responsible for the European headquarters of the company. Andrew D. Thornton (London) was named new COO. ...
Dipol Holdings Ltd has agreed to sell the Pólus Shopping Center in Budapest (Hungary) to the ING Property Fund Central Europe. The sale price for the Pólus Shopping Center is approximately € ...
HOCHTIEF Construction AG, together with its Austrian subsidiary Dipl. Ing. Hugo Durst GmbH, has been awarded the contract to expand Vienna Airport. The assignment worth almost €60 mln. includ ...