Homburg Invest Inc. has announced the sale of 247 acres of land in Calgary, Alberta that had been acquired for future development. After careful consideration it was determined that the land did not f ...
Elran Investments, the group leading the Hilton Warsaw project, is to raise €260-350 through a flotation on the London stock exchange. Elran intend to set up an investment corporation with t ...
A total of 750,330 new Citycon shares with a nominal value of €1.35 per share were subscribed in December exercising the A/B/C options based on the company's stock option plan 1999. The corre ...
Jones Lang LaSalle today announced it has been selected by Sun Microsystems, Inc. to deliver the full range of real estate services to manage office, lab and manufacturing facilities totaling approxim ...
The open-ended real estate fund DIFA-GRUND has made further substantial investments in Europe, to the tune of some €177 million. With gross liquidity currently at a substantial 28%, this Euro ...
In April 2003 Corio entered into an agreement with a company belonging to the Barletta Group, a local real estate entrepreneur, for the turnkey acquisition against a fixed price of Campania Shopping C ...
The Election Committee has informed Kungsleden of its proposal to the Annual General Meeting on 6 April 2006 to extend the board with one member to a total of seven Board Members. The Election Commi ...
Spondas result in 2005 was a clear improvement on the previous year in terms of both leasing operations and the value of its property portfolio. The year was again a challenging one for office premise ...