AEW has acquired Baseler Palais, an office building in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany, on behalf of AEW Europe Value Investors II. The transaction is the Fund’s first in Frankfurt and the ...
Warburg-HIH Invest Real Estate just sold an office scheme located on Schaferkampallee in Hamburg’s borough of Emsbuttel to an investment fund initiated by Berenberg. Raised in 1953 and ...
Instone and LEG have completed the purchase agreement for the realisation of the first phase of construction in the "Wohnen im Hochfeld" district in Dusseldorf-Unterbach at the end of 2019. Of ...
Patrizia has acquired Treptower, a landmark asset and the tallest office building in Berlin, Germany, from ARB Investment Partners. This transaction increases the value of Patrizia’s ...
Quadrant, the UK real estate asset management and development company, and Eccleston Capital are launching the first single-purpose venture aimed at repurposing redundant department stores and other ...
LaSalle Investment Management has disposed of General Lacy 23, a heritage building in Madrid, which has become the first office building in the country to be given LEED Platinum green building ...
SES Spar European Shopping Centers has unveiled the opening date for Slovenia’s most modern shopping centre, located in the northern district of Siska in Ljubljana. The launch is scheduled ...
KanAm Grund Group has purchased the first property for the KanAm Grund European Cities KI in Lyon, from BNP REIM. The asset is the CEGID52 Quai Paul Sédallian complex located in ...