TIAA-CREF, a leading financial services provider, and the Swedish National Pension Funds AP1 and AP2 have agreed to combine forces in a new joint venture to create a leading, pan-European ...
BAM have been appointed by hub West Scotland, the Council’s Development Partner, to deliver a new €30.2 mln (£22 mln) leisure centre on the banks of the Clyde for West Dunbartonshire ...
Rockspring Property Investment Managers LLP (“Rockspring”), on behalf of a separate account client and in conjunction with its joint venture partner, Atlas Residential ...
The total stock of shopping centres in the Warsaw agglomeration amounts to 1.4 mln m² located within 42 schemes. The 84,000 m² of new space remains under construction within ...
Kungsleden improves its already strong position in Kista Science City by acquiring the office property Electra Building (Keflavik 1) with a total leasable area of 25,000 m². The vendor is ...
The BlackRock UK Property Fund (“the Fund”) has purchased The Atrium in Harefield Road, Uxbridge, London for approx. €76.5 mln (£55.9 mln) from Aviva Investors. The ...
AshbyCapital, the real estate investment company, has closed deals worth around €615 mln (£450 mln) on behalf of its group investment company. AshbyCapital has made its first ...
CBRE Global Investors, on behalf of its investors, has exchanged contracts to acquire Angel Shopping Centre in Islington, London, N1. The vendor was Warburg-HIH Invest Real Estate (Warburg-HIH ...