Europa Capital and Keystone have completed on the corporate sale of 101 newly built residential units in the Copenhagen suburb of Valby to BVK. The purchase price was undisclosed.
In September 2015, Europa made a forward commitment to the purchase of 367 residential units across five buildings in Copenhagen from DFE. In March 2016, the first 101 residential units across two buildings were acquired. Having stabilised the income stream, the sale of these two buildings completed to BVK on 15 June.
Europa and Keystone has also forward committed to the purchase of a further 318 units within the same development in September 2016, together with the acquisition of a 24,989 m² portfolio of income producing office stock in the same locality. The assets are also located within the Copenhagen suburb of Valby.
Hugo Black of Europa Capital said, “We are pleased to have disposed part of the Fund’s residential units in Valby, Copenhagen, to which we committed in September 2015, and acquired in March 2016. The Valby residential accommodation has helped towards alleviating the supply constraint pressures in the capital city, which have been created by a growing populous.”