Arina and Keva to sell shares in Kiinteisto Oy Rovaniemi Pohjanpuistikko (FI)

Arina and Keva to sell shares in Kiinteisto Oy Rovaniemi Pohjanpuistikko (FI)

Cooperative Arina and Keva have agreed on the sale of shares in Kiinteisto Oy Rovaniemi Pohjanpuistikko. The real estate company owns the building where Arina's Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Rovaniemi operates. The deed of sale was signed on 31 December 2024. Arina plans to invest approximately €2m in the hotel and restaurants located in the building in 2025.


Sokos Hotel Vaakuna opened its doors 32 years ago and was initially owned by SOK's subsidiary Sokotel Oy. Arina acquired the business of Vaakuna and the restaurants that operated in connection with it in 2006. Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Rovaniemi has operated on the property as a tenant of Keva until now.


The share purchase that has now been completed offers us a great opportunity to develop the hotel complex's facilities and services to meet the growing tourism needs of Rovaniemi. Our intention is to renew our restaurants to offer customers new experiences and update the hotel rooms to better meet their needs. These changes will further improve the customer experience,” said Ulla Peltoniemi, Director of Tourism and Catering Trade at Osuuskauppa Arina.

We thank Arina for the close and good cooperation, both over the years and now when making the transaction. The sale of the property is part of the active portfolio management of our direct property holdings. Rovaniemi is a rapidly growing tourist destination, which creates a good outlook for future operations. We believe that the property will be in very good hands in the future as well,” said Carl-Henrik Roselius, Director of Real Estate Investment at Keva .

We thank Keva for the long and good cooperation over the years and for the smooth trading. Rovaniemi is an important region for us, and we are committed to developing Rovaniemi's hotel offering and tourism business together with other operators in the region. Responsible investments in the region's tourism business services ensure even better services for both Rovaniemi residents and visitors to the region,” said Anu Junnikkala-Alho, CFO of Osuuskauppa Arina .


The purchase price of the shares will not be disclosed.


Image source - Arina.


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