Most applications available on the market focus on flight information as most of the travelers primarily download and use apps for this reason. However, research has shown that there are multiple other issues which apps need addressing. 72% of passengers traveling via airport are concerned about being late, missing flights or not knowing when it is time to board, 44% are concerned with not knowing where to go, while 21% believe that finding a parking spot will be problematic. As such, an app working as a personal assistant considers every step of the passengers’ journey and can be extremely useful in delivering personalized information.

Connected to the target audience
The system allows for two different use cases: provide context-based solutions for passengers and allow airports operators to track and map the passengers’ visit, at the same time collecting intelligent information to analyze behavior in the airport. Learning more about their target audience, airports will improve airport experience and offer passengers more reasons to come back whether it is for traveling or non-aviation purposes. The increasingly popular apps and beacons technology is also functioning as a sales channel, helping retailers appeal to their potential customers at the best possible moment: when they are close to the point of sale.
The apps and beacons developed by Krankikom address issues which might occur during the visit at the airport, and offer passengers the opportunity to save time, stay updated and better organize to fully enjoy their trip. By utilizing this technology, airports can create a memorable experience, individualize themselves from their competition, and boost both their aviation and non-aviation revenues.
About Krankikom
Krankikom (Alexander Kranki Kommunikation) is a pioneer in developing customized airport marketing & online applications. With 17 years of experience in this field, Krankikom develops web services for all end devices regarding FIPS/FIDS & AODB, flight plans with integrated travel booking (IBE), parking systems with online reservation, moreover focusing on applications to support aviation and non-aviation marketing, consulting for future trends and technologies.