51.8% increase in the number of BREEAM-NL certified logistics properties in 2023

51.8% increase in the number of BREEAM-NL certified logistics properties in 2023

At present, 19.8% of all logistics properties in the Netherlands are BREEAM-NL certified. The whitepaper reveals an impressive 51.8% increase in the number of BREEAM-NL certified logistics properties in 2023 compared to the previous year. This positive trend indicates rapid growth in the sustainable sector.


There is a lack of immediately available certified sustainable real estate, especially in logistics. This shortage can force companies to either quickly expand or choose less sustainable options. It hinders sustainability acceleration and leaves infrastructure unprepared for future challenges.


The demand for sustainable logistics real estate in the Netherlands is increasing. There are various reasons for this. The entire sector seems to be driven by the need to comply with specific legal requirements. Users value the increasing value of logistics real estate and are willing to pay a rental surplus, with 25% of manufacturers and retailers even finding a surplus of more than 10% acceptable. Users also prioritize green certification of the buildings they use, even if it entails additional costs.




BREEAM-NL is an internationally recognised standard for sustainability that offers objectively measurable benefits. An important insight from the white paper is that the BREEAM-NL certificate has added value for all parties involved in logistics real estate development.


For investors, meeting BREEAM-NL criteria means that their property meets the European sustainability criteria and requirements of the EU Taxonomy. This makes it easier to report under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and attracts green investments.


For end-users, BREEAM-NL facilitates the contribution to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) objectives and compliance with sustainability reporting as required under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Furthermore, a high BREEAM-NL score can lead to practical benefits such as lower operational costs due to improved energy efficiency and reduced water consumption and a healthier working environment due to better air quality and natural light.


Market Developments 


Dynamis Research & Consultancy found a significant increase in the number of BREEAM-NL certified logistics real estate properties since 2021, indicating the growing importance of sustainability in the logistics sector. A further increase in certified buildings is expected by 2023.


Geographical distribution

Dynamis' research indicates that BREEAM-NL certified logistics properties are primarily situated in logistics hotspots. Leading in this distribution are Haarlemmermeer (36), Rotterdam (34), and Venlo (30), which share the proximity to various international junctions. These locations attract numerous international logistics service providers who prioritize certified and sustainable buildings. Notably, the proportion of new construction certificates in Haarlemmermeer is remarkably high.


Panattoni, LXA Advocaten and real estate association Dynamis presented the white paper "BREEAM-NL Certificates: The Sustainable Boost for Logistics Real Estate" yesterday during PROVADA in Amsterdam. The whitepaper reveals an impressive 51.8% increase in the number of BREEAM-NL certified logistics properties in 2023 compared to the previous year. The white paper sheds light on the tangible, real-world benefits of BREEAM-NL. 


"The results from the white paper emphasise the crucial role of BREEAM-NL certification in making logistics real estate more sustainable. The increase in the number of certified logistics premises shows that the sector is actively contributing to the energy transition and that sustainability is high on the agenda. It is encouraging to see that more and more parties are recognising and implementing the benefits of BREEAM-NL," said Rudy van der Helm, Manager Development and Management at DGBC 


The white paper also discusses various example projects of logistics real estate developer Panattoni that are being developed exclusively according to BREEAM-NL. After the presentation of the white paper to Rudy van der Helm, Panattoni received the BREEAM-NL Excellent design certificate for the recently completed Panattoni Park Twente from Van der Helm.


Image source - Pexels.


Read the white paper in full here.


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